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Venturing into unexplored territory: ITATOUCH Document Visualizer’s novel use of technology

04 Jul

Every company has to grapple with the problem of how to sift through massive amounts of data and documents, quickly distill key information, and achieve efficient management as well as decision-making. To this matter, ITATOUCH is an eminent provider of smart technological solutions for the industry which has come up with a document visualizer that transforms document processing once more.

Revolutionizes document processing
ITATOUCH known as Document Visualizer is a representative example of their technological advancements; it integrates intelligence and visualization in document processing. It is not just a simple document viewer but also acts as a powerful aid along the way towards digital transformation for enterprises. Through advanced image recognition coupled with artificial intelligence technologies, different types of documents can be automatically parsed by this software whereafter complex text data are converted into easy-to-understand summary information accompanied by intuitive visual charts.

Smart Parsing
The ability to extract key information automatically from any type of document and then present it using charts or tag clouds for visualization purposes is one feature possessed by only a few softwares like this across the globe. The result is not only that people can search faster but also they understand better what each text says thus giving much support for decision making.

Compatibility across various platforms
To cater for different user needs, cross-platform compatibility was taken into consideration when creating Document Visualizer so that whether you are on PC or mobile device or even in cloud storage service; there won’t be any problem accessing or using this application.

Security first! Keep your data safe!!
During the creation process of Document Viewer, data encryption as well privacy protection were given priority by ITATOUCH. So while documents are being transmitted from one place to another or kept somewhere safe waiting retrieval — nobody would be able see them unless authorized person happens upon them accidentally due some kind failure on part of developers.

All in all, the performance of ITATOUCH’s Document Visualizer is outstanding and it has a wide range of applications. With advancing technologies and increasing adoption rates, there are many more exciting features to come as businesses continue their journey towards digital transformation.


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